Try this quick tip to see how it’s made you feel. Find a peaceful place, inhale and exhale a couple of times and literally shake your body to set the intention you’re shaking out all the stuff holding you back and down. Need to calm down? Got up on the wrong side of the bed? Feeling anxious? Nervous about an interview? When you start to #breathe you begin to nurture your soul. By taking the time to breathe in and out and shake out all the stuff that’s holding you back and down, you’re able to bring back harmony and clarity and purpose and most importantly peace. #breathe#breatheinbreatheout#coaching#affirmations#be#mindfulness#mindset#moment#lifecoach#calm#loveyou#purpose#clarity#life#peace#peaceofmind#live#lawofattraction#intentions#mind#healing#meditation#coaching#lifequotes#life#business#selfworth#positivevibes#positive

Published Date: 26/04/2019