Reiki Sessions and Internationally Recognised Reiki Courses
Woking, Surrey, London or Distant
University Health Network-Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario: Reiki treatments given by nurses at the lodge for cancer patients and families
Complementary therapies including Reiki (guide on breast cancer survivorship, p. 80)
Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick: Reiki initiations offered by The Continuing Education
United States
University of Maryland Medical Center
The Cleveland Clinic (America's Best Hospitals 2007), Cleveland, Ohio:
•Reiki treatments offered to patients (integrative medicine)
•Reiki treatments offered to heart patients (integrative approach)
•Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
•staff of the center for integrative medicine (one Reiki practitioner)
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (America's Best Hospitals 2007), Boston, Massachusetts:
•Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments (handbook for patients, families and friends, pp. 7, 10)
•Reiki initiation offered to nurses (newsletter for nurses, Nov. 2006)
•Reiki mentioned in a handbook on coping with cancer pain (p. 4)
•peri-operative nurses inform their colleagues on complementary therapies including Reiki (newsletter for nurses, Dec. 2007)
•nurse-Reiki practitioner's testimonial (newsletter for nurses, Aug. 2005)
•study of complementary medicines including Reiki in men with prostate cancer (radiation oncology research)
Johns Hopkins Hospital (America's Best Hospitals 2007), Baltimore, Maryland: part of complementary therapies, including Reiki, in the nurses' practice and education (school of nursing journal, spring 2007, pp. 26, 29, 32-33)
Massachusetts General Hospital (America's Best Hospitals 2007), Boston, Massachusetts: information about Reiki on a continuing education day for nurses
Reiki treatments offered during a community event (newsletter June 2005)
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New-York Presbyterian (America's Best Hospitals 2007), New York, New York: Reiki treatments offered to children to complement conventional cancer treatments
Yale-New Haven Hospital (America's Best Hospitals 2007), New Haven, Connecticut:
•Reiki treatments offered to families and intensive care heart patients
•Reiki treatments offered as a complementary therapy to cardiology patients
•complementary therapies, including Reiki, recommended to cancer survivors (newsletter July 2007)
•Reiki practitioners recruitment (newsletter Sept. 2006)
Harvard University, Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts:
•Reiki treatments offered at the Harvard Cancer Center (David Rosenthal M.D.)
•Reiki treatments offered to all by the university health services (well-being)
•Reiki mentioned as a best practice by an insurance company working with the university (best practices)
•hypothesis on cortical dynamics as a therapeutic mechanism for touch healing including Reiki (Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York:
•Reiki treatments via a network of complementary therapies practitioners to whom the surgery department refer patients (Columbia Integrative Medicine Program)
•Reiki treatments offered to cardiothoracic surgery patients (brochure)
•Reiki treatments given during an Employee Health and Wellness Day (journal June 23rd 2003)
New York University Medical Center, New York, New York:
•Reiki treatments offered to children with cancer or blood disorder (wellness and complementary care)
•Reiki treatments offered to ambulatory pediatrics patients
•Reiki treatments offered to patients with multiple sclerosis (programs)
•Reiki treatments offered to women with disabilities
Concord Hospital, Concord, New Hampshire: Reiki treatments offered to patients nearing the end of life
Cooper University Hospital-Cooper Cancer Institute, Voorhees, New Jersey: Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
Lowell General Hospital, Lowell, Massachusetts: Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
St. Joseph Hospital, Nashua, New Hampshire: Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC: Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
York Hospital, York, Maine: pre-op, post-op and inter-op Reiki treatments offered to surgical patients
St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam, New York: Reiki initiations offered (center for complementary therapies)
George Washington University Medical Center, Washington DC: Reiki treament offered to patients
California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, California: Reiki treatments offered to patients (clinical massage and bodywork)
Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts: Reiki treatments offered to children (integrative therapies)
Saint Agnes Medical Center, Fresno, California: Reiki treatments offered to patients
Hawaii Pacific Health-Wilcox Memorial Hospital, Lihue, Hawaï: Reiki treatments offered to patients (patient support services)
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut: Reiki treatments offered to patients
Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Connecticut: Reiki treatments offered to patients
Windham Hospital, Willimantic, Connecticut: Reiki treatments offered to patients (integrative health services)
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey: Reiki treatments offered to patients (massage, healing and relaxation therapies)
Carroll Hospital Center, Westminster, Maryland: Reiki treatments offered (complementary health)
South San Diego Veterinary Hospital, San Diego, California: Reiki treatments offered for animals (approach to pets' care)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia: Reiki treatments offered to complement conventional cancer treatments
breast cancer patient's testimonial about Reiki
Western Australia's Department of Health: Reiki treatments offered by a health program intended for 55-year-old-and-more people at Bunbury (journal, Summer 2002, p. 11)
St Patrick’s Care Centre, Fremantle, Western Australia: Reiki treatments notably offered to people with alcohol or drug problems
Queensland's Health: relaxation services including Reiki sessions for Central Highlands Health Services staff (magazine nov. 2005, p. 14)
CGG Klinik (Centrum für ganzheitliche Gynäkologie), Mannheim: Reiki treatments and initiations offered for pain management and to complement conventional cancer treatments
St. Augustinus Krankenhaus, Düren: Reiki treatments offered
DRK Krankenhaus Lichtenstein (Red-Cross), Lichtenstein: Reiki treatments offered (physiotherapy)
Groupe mutuel's insurances: Reiki treatment repayment (special conditions)
SWICA insurance: Reiki services repayment (preventive health)
Supra insurance: Reiki treatment repayment (special conditions)
ASCA (foundation for the recognition and development of alternative and complementary therapies): certification for Reiki practitioners
RME (register of empiric medicines): certification for Reiki practitioners (therapies)

The full list of hospitals and other health care establishments in the USA, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, whom use Reiki to treat their patients and in some cases, treat the families and carers of their patients.
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